J. Nonl. Evol. Equ. Appl. 2012 (8), pp. 97-112, published on December 8, 2012:

Approximate controllability with constraint on the control for the heat equation

Y. Miloudi, C. Timimoun

Université d’Oran, Département de Mathématiques, BP No 1524 El M’Naouer, 31000 Oran (Algérie)

Received on May 30, 2012
Accepted on July 25, 2012

Communicated by Gisèle M. Mophou

Abstract.  In this work, we study an approximate controllability problemwith constraint on the control. This problem appears naturally in the notion of discriminating sentinel with instantaneous observation. The main tool is a theorem of uniqueness of the solution of ill-posed Cauchy problem for the heat equation.
Keywords: Heat equation, Approximate Controllability, discriminating sentinels.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:   35K05, 35K15, 35K20, 49J20, 93B05.

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