Instructions for authors

Submission Guidelines

DESCRIPTION – The Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications (JNEEA) is an electronic mathematical journal dedicated to a rapid dissemination of very carefully selected papers in all areas and sub-areas of evolution equations and their applications to scientific and engineering problems. A manuscript submitted to JNEEA is expected to be original, nontrivial, and well-written. Badly written papers will be automatically dismissed at the Editor's discretion.

SUBMISSION – The initial submission of a manuscript (in PDF only) for publication must be made electronically through the following email address: Authors are encouraged to suggest one or two members of the Editorial Board as Corresponding Editor.

MANUSCRIPT – Submission of a manuscript will be understood to mean that the paper is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Incoming papers are acknowledged immediately. Each manuscript should include the title of the paper, author name, a short abstract not exceeding 200 words, the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, keywords, and author's mailing and email addresses. More details about style are given on the page about manuscript preparation.

PAGE CHARGE – The JNEEA does not apply page charge. Papers are published at no cost to the authors.

COPYRIGHT – By submitting their manuscript to the Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications, the authors automatically grant the copyright of their work to this journal, once it has been accepted.

INDEXING-ABSTRACTING – Papers published in JNEEA are indexed and abstracted in Zentralblatt Math, MathSciNet, and Google Scholar.